NOW AVAILABLE: Updated Standard Contract Form
An updated version of the Standard Contract Form is now available and should be used for all new contracts. The form is available in Fillable PDF format at and, and as a DocuSign PowerForm at [MAGNet or Commonwealth-issued VPN required].
The updated Standard Contract Form now includes a section regarding Supplier Diversity Program (SDP) obligations and commitments. Additionally, the Standard Contract Form has been updated to clarify options for interim contracts. The Standard Contract Form Instructions and Contractor Certifications document has also been updated.
The updated Standard Contract Form should be used for all new contracts executed on or after December 2, 2024. For contracts executed before this date, the version of the Standard Contract Form that was in effect at the time the contract was executed will apply for the duration of that contract. For renewals or amendments of existing contracts executed on or before December 31, 2024, departments may use the previous version of the Standard Contract Form. Departments should use their best judgment during transition between use of the old forms or the new forms. After December 31, 2024, departments are required to use the new version of the standard contract form.
In concert with this update, the State Grants, Federal Sub-Grants, and Subsidies Policy has been updated. The updated policy incorporates changes in state and federal law, adds supplier diversity considerations, reflects current Office of the Comptroller practices, and is now reorganized for clarity and brevity.
Please reach out to the Office of the Comptroller Solution Desk with any questions regarding the Standard Contract Form or State Grants, Federal Sub-Grants, and Subsidies Policy.